

Automating Blog Releases: Hugo + GitHub Actions

A lot of the work I do professionally involves transforming traditional network culture, practices, and technology. Just as DevOps transformed application delivery, NetDevOps is here to make sure the network can keep up. This post will cover how I deploy this blog with Hugo to GitHub Pages using GitHub Actions to completely automate the workflow. This is very similar to how I approached modernizing network documentation for my current employer. Listen to Day Two Cloud Podcast as I talk through this transformation in more detail.

Setting Up Ansible (AWX) On Debian

Ansible Tower VS AWXThe best way to learn is by constructing your own knowledge, not passively absorbing information. A lot of great projects are open source these days, including The AWX Project. At zero cost, you can build your automation skill set, increasing your chances at landing that next big promotion. This post will cover how to setup Ansible AWX on Debian. I use a combination of Ansible and Terraform in the NetDevOps toolchain.